Bamboo Training Program

There are about 1.250 bamboo species in the world and about 140 species or 11 % are in Indonesia. That’s why Indonesia has actually good potency on bamboo. For long time Indonesians have used bamboo as house construction, agricultural equipment, furniture, music instrument and even as food source. However, it has not been optimalized in use for some reasons of quickly rotten and short pertinance although now technology has changed the condition by doing some treatments.

Bamboo cultivation must be done in line with reforestation and eco-friendly cultivation. Bamboo produces seven times biomass. It is much more compared with tree forest. Besides that, bamboo has function to tie up soil particle to prevent erosion. Functioning bamboo should be integrated with the bamboo provision either quantity or quality.

It is a real threat when other countries claim the patent right of bamboo since Indonesians neglect what actually have been provided in Indonesia.

Stube HEMAT is much concerned on such issue and it tries to perform trainings every period in its proposal to attract young generations and students to be aware on this potency especially Christian students coming from local regions which has bamboo potency to open their minds on such potency, students with study background of architectural, biology, environment or economy and stube HEMAT activists.
